“I feel very calm and centred. I’m not  experiencing high and low 
mood swings so am eating normally, avoiding sweet binges. 
I feel a new and better woman” … Wendy

Fear of Flying

36 Year Old Woman

“Watching the landing take place with the runway gently coming up to meet us for a perfect landing was almost ‘a spiritual experience’  – and – one of the most wonderful happenings in my life!”

“Robin – I’ve got to fly to Vancouver on Thursday morning and I’m terrified of flying – can you help me?!”  This was the urgent telephone call from one of my regular Thai Healing Clients, obvioyusly in a huge panic. “You better come over to-morrow morning and I’ll see what I can do,” I replied, thinking that there’s nothing like leaving it till the last minute!

When she arrived I realised that she was one of those ‘white knuckle’ people who is so afraid of everything to do with flying  that she will continually grip the arm of the seat so tightly that the knuckles go white.  Horrible airline food? Forget it – how can you eat anything when you have to grip the seat?

I treated many intense fears over several aspects of flying including her feelings of claustrophobia when the stewardess shuts the door after everyone has boarded.  Although every thought started at level 10 – (maximum upset) – each time she imagined being on her plane to Vancouver, after the treatment every one was resolved.  And she said that she was now feeling much more confident and, although a little apprehensive, felt she would be able to manage the flight.

I did not hear from her again for over six months until she rang to explain she was now back in Cambridge and asking if I could give her a Thai Healing Massage.

After saying it was good to hear from her after all this time, I asked – really wanting to know – “How did you get on with your flight to Vancouver?”   There was a short pause while she was organising her memory and then she said: “Oh that trip!  It was amazing!  When I arrived at the airport I found I was not feeling afraid and later we had to wait at the gate for about half-an-hour.  Normally I would be sitting and gripping my chair with white knuckles, but to my amazement I was able to sit back and enjoy reading my book.”

She continued: “When we were all on the plane and settled in our seats I still found to my great surprise that I had no fear at all. I was so amazed that I told the stewardess all about it and the stewardess was so amazed that she told the captain all about it and the captain was so amazed that he called her onto the flight deck to join them and watch the let-down and landing.”  (This was before regulations put in place after 9/11).

This shows so clearly how getting to the root cause of a phobia – in this case a basket of causes – and treating each one with TFT can totally remove all the attached fears and anxieties involved in what is believed to be just a single phobia. Also, that once the emotional upset has gone remembrance of the having the problem is soon forgotten – as well as the practitioner!

Do you have a Fear of Flying?  TFT is the Solution

Contact me – NOW – and I can resolve your fear

See the blog:  UK Airport Car Parks


And check it out!

Member of the British Complementary Medical AssociationRobin Ellis – Member of the British Complementary Medical Association
Member of the Association of Energy Therapists : Member of NHS Directory CAMMember of the Association of Energy Therapists : Member of NHS Directory CAM